Phone: 816-931-2232
Venue Name: Kansas City Ballet
Promotion Dates: Jan 27, 2014 - Mar 01, 2014
Description: Save 20% off your tickets to Kansas City Ballet’s Dracula performances Feb. 21-March 2. Fascinating, terrifying and romantic perfectly describe
the marvel that is Michael Pink’s internationally acclaimed
Dracula. The spellbinding story of the nocturnal Count
who survives on the blood of the living is a tale of
seduction and surrender, sensuality and danger. Order your tickets online at by using promo code: CVADRAC. Not valid with any other offers. Limit four tickets per household. Online orders only.
Region: Downtown Area; Downtown/Crossroad
Hours: Call or visit for show times.
Address: 500 W Pershing Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64108-
Save 20% off Kansas City Ballet's "Dracula"